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Severn Cross Roads Foundation Newsletter Fall 2023


From the SCRF President


Dear Friends of Severn Cross Roads Foundation, 


It’s been quite an exciting summer for the Severn Cross Roads Foundation. 

First, we are thrilled to announce that we have been named as part of the Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area, a state designation which recognizes the historic value of Baldwin Hall and the Schoolhouse to the surrounding community.  We join such sites as the Hammond-Harwood House in Annapolis, the Benson-Hammond House, the Galesville Heritage Society, and our neighbor, the Rising Sun Inn. 

We will be working over the coming year to showcase more information about our historic site, including things like the biography of our namesake, Charles Winterfield Baldwin, which you will find on our website, here. He was a remarkable man, and his story deserves to be better known.

Second, we are the grateful recipients of a $20,000 matching grant from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, which we are using to paint the exterior of Historic Baldwin Hall, a major project that has long been on our to-do list. See the story below for more details. Now we are planning our campaign to raise the $20,000 match for this grant.  We have already made a start as generous donors have offered to match our first $1500 in donations toward this project.  You can donate through PayPal at

Our Eagle Scouts have been active and completed two new projects to enhance our buildings: some much-needed storage space and some handsome benches on the Schoolhouse porch.  See the details in the story below. 

When you drive by Historic Baldwin Hall, you will see the sign for our upcoming Crab Feast on September 24.  We hope you can join us for a fun and tasty afternoon with family and friends.  Tickets are available from Janice Crowe at (410) 533-5370 or

Enjoy the last of our spectacular summer days, and we hope to see you at Baldwin Hall soon.

Anne Scrivener Agee
President, The Severn Cross Roads Foundation


Historic Baldwin Hall

Joins Chesapeake Cross Roads Heritage Area

In recognition of its historic significance, Baldwin Hall has been included in the Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area, part of a statewide program highlighting places that preserve a unique aspect of Maryland’s history. Trustees worked with the Maryland Historic Trust (MHT) and the Maryland Heritage Area Authority to make the case for our inclusion in this program. MHT made a site visit to our Hall, and we provided extensive documentation about our history and the role that Baldwin Hall has played in the local community. The state was convinced and added us to the Heritage program this summer, joining dozens of other Anne Arundel County sites such Historic London Town, the Annearrundell (historic spelling) County Free School Museum, and the Hammond-Harwood House, as well as neighbor on General’s Highway, the Rising Sun Inn. SCRF is, of course, very pleased with this recognition.

Check out the Heritage site at The Heritage Area Of Anne Arundel County - Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area. You’ll find we have joined a lot of very special places that represent many unique aspects of our community history.

Maryland is one of only three states with a statewide Heritage area program. The Chesapeake Cross Roads Heritage area
is one of 13 in the state (see the map below), and we are very proud to be part of Maryland's program.






















SCRF Wins Matching Grant

Our new designation as part of the Heritage Area helped SCRF to win an extremely competitive matching grant from the state of Maryland to assist with the maintenance of our historic property. The trustees have designated the $20,000 award for painting the exterior of Historic Baldwin Hall, a project which has been sorely needed. If you visit the building in the near future, you will be able to admire the Hall in all its newly-painted glory.
















Now comes the hard part! We need to match this grant in order to claim the money. Fortunately, a couple of generous donors have given us a head start by offering to match our first $1500 in donations. You can donate by PayPal to Checks can be made out to SCRF and mailed to P.O. Box 223 Crownsville, MD 21032. Any assistance with this fundraising effort would be greatly appreciated.

The Trustees are especially grateful to Gail Campbell and Sally Burton whose hard work helped us with both our Heritage designation and our grant award. And thanks, of course, to the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority for their generous grant.
















Scout Projects at Severn Cross Roads



Scouts from BSA Troop 804 performed two new Eagle Scout projects at the Hall this spring.
Eagle Scout candidate Zeke Keating did a great job refurbishing the front porch of the Schoolhouse by power-washing and adding fresh paint and new benches.













Scout candidate Marc Urbanas renovated the storage area behind

the stage by cleaning woodwork, painting walls,

installing a new light fixture and

creating divider walls to store tables and chairs.



These projects represent our 22nd and 23rd Eagle Projects performed at Baldwin Hall! Severn Cross Roads Foundation really loves our partnership with our Scout troops.




Membership in the Severn Cross Roads Foundation is very important to us. Membership helps us keep in touch with our community and demonstrates support from our community when we apply for grants and other recognition.

Please consider joining us.

2023 Annual Membership Registration



2023 Patrons and Benefactors

The Severn Cross Roads Foundation is very grateful to our Patrons and Benefactors who provide extra support for our mission.

Patrons ($150-500)
Murray Baldwin 
Ruth Baldwin 
William & Susan Baldwin
Sally & Steve Burton
Elizabeth Wilson
Anne Agee
Samuel & Casey Lambert
Hoffman Real Estate
Margaret Suess

Benefactors ($500 or more)
H. Furlong Baldwin 






Historic Baldwin Hall Joins Chesapeake Cross Roads Heritage Area

In recognition of its historic significance, Baldwin Hall has been included in the Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area, part of a statewide program highlighting places that preserve a unique aspect of Maryland’s history. Trustees worked with the Maryland Historic Trust (MHT) and the Maryland Heritage Area Authority to make the case for our inclusion in this program. MHT made a site visit to our Hall, and we provided extensive documentation about our history and the role that Baldwin Hall has played in the local community. The state was convinced and added us to the Heritage program this summer, joining dozens of other Anne Arundel County sites such Historic London Town, the Annearrundell (historic spelling) County Free School Museum, and the Hammond-Harwood House, as well as neighbor on General’s Highway, the Rising Sun Inn. SCRF is, of course, very pleased with this recognition.

Check out the Heritage site at The Heritage Area Of Anne Arundel County - Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area. You’ll find we have joined a lot of very special places that represent many unique aspects of our community history.

Maryland is one of only three states with a statewide Heritage area program. The Chesapeake Cross Roads Heritage area is one of 13 in the state (see the map below), and we are very proud to be part of Maryland's program.

Baldwin Hall paint.jpg
SCRF Scout project 1.jpeg
Storage Renovation MUrbanas1 (002).jpeg


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                             Location                                                   Historic Baldwin Hall                           1358  Millersville Road         Millersville, MD  21108

                       Mailing  Address                                          Historic Baldwin Hall                                          PO Box 223                      Crownsville, MD  21032

Tel 410 923-3438

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