Historic Baldwin Hall
Community Banquet & Meeting Facility
Severn Cross Roads Foundation Newsletter Winter/Spring 2024
President's Letter
Dear Friends of the Severn Cross Roads Foundation,
2023 was a great year for the Foundation.
We were able to generate close to $70,000 in rental income, our main source of funding, returning us close to pre-pandemic levels. Historic Baldwin Hall hosted nearly 50 community events—weddings, birthdays, funerals plus dozens of meetings of local organizations, bringing thousands of people to our beautiful building.
We became part of the Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area and joined a terrific group of organizations devoted to historic preservation and community building, organizations like the Hammond-Harwood House in Annapolis and our neighbors, the Rising Sun Inn. We will be joining with our Heritage Area partners this year to celebrate Maryland Day with an Open House in our replica 1840’s schoolhouse on March 24. More details here.​
We were the recipients of two grants this year, one from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority which we used to paint the exterior of Historic Baldwin Hall. Special thanks to all of you who donated to help us match the funds for this grant. If you still want to help us with this, just copy and paste this link into your browser: PayPal.me/BaldwinHallMD and follow the prompts.
Our second grant will go to creating new signage for Historic Baldwin Hall. More details in the newsletter below. But look for the grand unveiling next June.
Happily, we were able to bring back our popular Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate event this year and are looking forward to hosting it again this coming April 27. See the details in the Upcoming Events section of our website. Our annual Crab Feast in September was a sold-out affair. These events plus some other smaller projects helped us bring in a little over $12,000, a huge help in meeting our expenses.
Scouts from our two sponsored troops have once again helped us improve our facilities with three Eagle Scout projects this year: the restoration of the Bride’s Room, the restoration of our storage area for tables and chairs, and the restoration of the schoolhouse front porch with the addition of new benches.
We thank our retiring trustees, Robert Oehrig and Susan Ingram, for their years of service and are happy to welcome three new trustees to the Board: Gregg Palmer, Thomas Petty, and Carolyn Woody. See more about them in the newsletter below.
If you are not yet a member of the Foundation, please consider joining us this year. If you are already a member, it’s time to renew. See the membership information later in this newsletter or visit our website at Membership Application | baldwinhall.
Thanks for all that you do to support the Severn Cross Roads Foundation. We hope that 2024 holds many happy events for you and that you will be joining us at Historic Baldwin Hall this year for one or more of our community events.
Anne Scrivener Agee
President, The Severn Cross Roads Foundation
Grant Activity 2023-24
$20,000 Matching Grant from the State of Maryland – Maryland Heritage Areas Authority
The funds which we received from the Matching Grant to assist with the maintenance of our historic property are being used towards painting the exterior of Historic Baldwin Hall. SCRF must raise the money to match the $20,000 Grant funds.
Donations to match the Grand funds are still being accepted. You can donate by PayPal to SCRFFinance@gmail.com. Checks can be made out to SCRF and mailed to P.O. Box 223, Crownsville, MD 21032. Any assistance with this fundraising effort would be greatly appreciated.
New Signage Grant
SCRF is very pleased to have received a $2000 matching grant from the Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area.
We will be using the funds to create new signage telling the story of Historic Baldwin Hall. Our outdoor sign will be like the one below that was just erected by the county nearby. We will also have several smaller signs inside the Hall. We have hired a graphic designer to help us create the signs. We are planning to have a grand unveiling on June 9, the anniversary of Baldwin Hall’s move to its current location, a “re-birthday” celebration.
Mark your calendars now. We look forward to seeing you.

Severn Cross Roads Scout Troops
SCRF INC is proud to sponsor BSA Troop 804 Boys and BSA Troop 192 Girls.
Troop 804 currently has promoted 67 Eagle Scouts! Two of their most recent Eagle Scouts did projects at Baldwin Hall - the storage room renovation and restoration of the schoolhouse front porch.
Troop 192 is a new Girls troop on their way with 6 Eagle Scouts. Their most recent Eagle Scout did her project at Baldwin Hall - the renovation of the Bride's Room and installation of the parsonage mantlepiece.
Sponsorship of these troops allows the SCRF to provide support to the youth of our community!
Severn Cross Roads Patrons and Benefactors
The Severn Crossroads Foundation is very grateful to our Patrons and Benefactors who provide extra support for our mission.
Benefactors (donated $500 or more in 2023)
Anne Agee
H. Furlong Baldwin Sally and Steve Burton
Chesapeake Harmony Chorus Hummel Club
June Medford Maryland Mobileers Julia Reinhart
Dave and Betsy Shade
Patrons (donated $150-$499 in 2023)
Murray Baldwin Ruth Baldwin
William and Susan Baldwin
Scott Blackketter & Gretchen Bandy CG Holdings, LLC - Ledo's Pizza
Generals Highway Council of Civic Associations Sarah Griffith
Susan Ingram
Samuel and Casey Lambert Annie and Dan Medford Margaret Suess
Anne Wetzel
Elizabeth Wilson