Historic Baldwin Hall
Community Banquet & Meeting Facility
In The Community
Many people are under the mistaken impression that Baldwin Hall is somehow a part of the United Methodist Church across the street. The organizations are separate though they share some common history before 1981. Historic Baldwin Hall is operated by the Severn Cross Roads Foundation Incorporated. The Foundation is dedicated to preserving this local community treasure. The Trustees feel it is important to utilize Baldwin Hall not only as a site for private events but also as a community resource.

Meeting Space
​Scout Master Carl Aten. Every Tues 7:00pm - 8:30
Scouting BSA Troop 192 Girls
​​​Scout Master Annie Medford
MD Mobile Radio Second Fri. every month 7:00
Generals Highway Council of Civic Associations
Pleasant Journey Chapter of the MI Hummel Club
Arden Beaches, Inc

Theater, Music, Exercise and Dance
Owner/Director/Instructor: Donna Feeney
Artistic Director/Instructor: Kadi McKinley
Classes are offered for ages 3-18 in ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, acro, body conditioning and musical theater.
Arisen Martial Arts-Instructor: Alan Sanidad

Art & Craft Shows
Local Artists Show
Mildred B Anderson Art Show
Millersville Elementary Holiday Shoppe
Doll House Exhibit

Any Occasion
American Red Cross Blood Drives
Millersville and South Shore Elementary Schools
Prom and Social Dances
Weddings and Committment Ceremonies
Birthdays and Showers
Funerals and Celebrations of Life
Family Reunions
Flea Markets