Historic Baldwin Hall
Community Banquet & Meeting Facility
Cross Roads Schoolhouse
The first floor can be rented for small meetings and ceremonies.

Cross Roads Schoolhouse
In 1999-2000 the Severn Crossroads Foundation was able to reconstruct the one-room schoolhouse that was originally across the street facing Indian Landing Road. It was used for children of all ages in the area up to 7th grade. The second floor was used as a place of meeting for the Sons of Temperance, Severn Division 108. Later it was the kitchen from which the men of the church would carry the meals down the back stairway because the Hall had no kitchen at the time.

Once Used as a Local Library
The original schoolhouse was used as a church library from 1936 to 1970. Elizabeth Joyce served as a librarian and "Miss Elizabeth" always kept worthwhile books available. You could stop by on Sundays after Sunday School to check out books and bring them back next Sunday.
Anne Arundel Academy
The Academy sat on the property of the current Millersville Elementry School. Students were able to attend after being selected by Dr. Charles Baldwin and perhaps a committee drawing from area one-room schoolhouses. In addition to the Cross Roads, there was one in Waugh Chapel where Prestly Taylor taught, one in Gambrills (converted into the home of Catherine Wade Stitchcomb, across from the Sands homestead on the bend of 175) and others.

Consolidated Millersville Elementary School
Considered the core of local one-room schoolhouses, this building on the corner of Rt. 3 and Millersville Road was built after the Cross Roads and other one-room schoolhouses were closed in 1924. It was used as an elementary school and was in place until the new Millersville Elementary School was built near Waterbury Rd., and Arundel High School was built where it currently stands now further up Rt 175.
The old Consolidated building is still used today.
If you have any old pictures of our teachers, please email us.
Teachers of the One Room School House
Ida (Woodward) Whittington, second wife of William F. Whittington. Her father was the Sheriff and Chief Probate Judge of the Orphans Court. She said her husband left on horseback in good spirits one night in December. When he did not return by midnight, she sent a messenger looking for him. An investigation revealed snow prints about three miles from the house near the Severn River in what is now Arden on the Severn. A boat off the icy shore contained his hat and receipts. His body was found on December 23, 1886. Shortly after, she moved to Washington, D.C.
Rebecca (Clarke) Parsons was born in 1858 and was the wife of Elijah. She graduated from the Maryland State Normal School and taught in the schoolhouse until the 1920's and then taught in the Middle Consolidated School. She retired in the mid 1920's and is remembered for her strictness. She lived in the white house close to the road on Indian Landing Rd that was called "Ida's Folly." It was demolished in 2009 and is currently the site of a new home. She was the final teacher.