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Cora Woodward (Anderson) Dulaney              Library and History Room

Located on the Second Floor of the Schoolhouse
Open by appointment
The second floor of the reconstructed Cross Roads schoolhouse is dedicated to the memory of Cora Anderson Dulaney.  She was a Past Regent of the Ann Arundell Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, and was a recognized genealogist, whose papers cover a lifetime of research into local family history.  Some records are from the original Cross Roads schoolhouse before it was demolished in 1983. Donated by the late Benjamin F. Chaney, Marvin H. Anderson and other donors is a collection pertaining to the Anne Arundel Academy and the first high school. 
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                             Location                                                   Historic Baldwin Hall                           1358  Millersville Road         Millersville, MD  21108

                       Mailing  Address                                          Historic Baldwin Hall                                          PO Box 223                      Crownsville, MD  21032

Tel 410 923-3438

           © 2014 Judi Lohn                         Created with

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