Historic Baldwin Hall
Community Banquet & Meeting Facility
Charles W. Baldwin Hall Architecture
The Old Cross Roads Church was built by the Methodist Society in 1861.

Large, One Story, Frame Building. A T-shaped Plan
The building is sheathed in vertical, board and batten siding. The closely spaced, molded battens terminate in round arches beneath a block dentil cornice which surrounds the entire building. The windows are tall and narrow, 9/9 panes, with round arched, "Gothic" sashes and louvered shutters. The shutters have the same lourved tops as the windows. There are four such windows on either side of a small, pedimented entrance porch. The porch (which is still original), with a dentilled cornice identical to that on the main part of the building, is supported by two Tuscan columns. There are two doors under the porch, framed by simple pilasters, which terminate in two semi-circular fanlights with the same sash motif as the windows. Two short, arched windows above the porch, light the gallery which spans the rear of the main room. Centered in the pediment is a louvred, fan-shaped vent.